Tag Archives: family

Artificial Jellyfish


After being a little bored, I set out on the dangerous waters of the internet and surfed the net, there I found a blog that taught you how to make your own jellyfish: http://bhoomplay.wordpress.com/2011/09/09/diy_jellyfish_eng/ so, I decided it would be a good idea to fool my brother and say that I caught the jellyfish from the toilet.

After many tries, I finally made it. I then showed it to my brother, him, being an innocent 5 year old, he believed that it was a real jellyfish. I then showed my achievment to mum and got a opposite result “This could spill if any of your brothers opens it” So I had to chuck it. Damn. It looked pretty good too. But the most terrible thing was..That I forgot to take a picture!! That thought only struck me after I chucked the jellyfish into the manky, godknowswhatsthere abyss.