-Manga!! -What?? Mangoes?? -No!!


Me: Manga!!

Someone: What?? Mangoes??

Me: No!! MangA!! A!

Someone:What’s up with mangoes??

Me:Ugh! Anime!!!

Someone:What’s that??

Me: *fully frustrated mode*

That’s my usual conversation with people who don’t know what manga or anime is. Since most people have no clue of what manga is,  that’s why I made this post!!

Manga is the urban japanesse style of drawing and remember it’s NOT CHINESSE!!! Manga is categorised in two sections; Shojo (for girls) and Shonen (for boys) This makes it easier to decide which to read. You may have noticed in the library where the graphic novels section is, the books seem backwards!!! Well, that’s manga for you. Here’s a picture showing you how to read manga.

I find that most people admire manga art even though they don’t even notice it!! Hopefully now you will have a little knowledge of the art you are seeing.

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